Category «Evaluation Of The Apartment»

In this rubric we have collected articles on various aspects of the valuation of apartments for different purposes.

If the appraiser’s report on the value of the apartment is necessary for you to present in court (for example, in the process of division of property upon divorce), we recommend to spend a little time and at least in general terms to understand the issue. Such an approach to the case will result in a money and time saving. And we in turn in our materials will try to briefly and without unnecessary “walking around the world” to show and explain what in this case you need to pay attention.

How to sell an apartment without intermediaries

Apartment buildings in Kyiv

It would seem that the question is quite simple. And not much different from the sale of any other property: from a car to furniture or computer equipment. It is clear that the apartment has a significant cost, and when selling it you need to be as careful as possible. However, in practice, everything is …

Evaluation of the apartment for court

Evaluation of the apartment for court

Evaluation of apartments for presentation in court is a process in which it is important to observe all necessary legal formalities. The requirements for such work are heightened, as they can lead to court decisions. Accordingly, and the responsibility of the real estate appraiser for the quality of service is very high.

How much do realtors take for their services

Realtor's fee

Payment for realtors services is an integral part of most real estate transactions. Whether it is buying and selling or renting. The disagreement can appear between the client and the intermediary in determining the commission amount. How much interest the realtors take for their services, what amount is due to the real estate agency, how …

Apartment evaluation 2025

Apartment evaluation

Apartment is the most common type of real estate, so appraisers most often work with real estate of this type. The article is devoted to valuation of apartments for different purposes: re-registration of documents at the notary, use of conclusions about the value in court proceedings, transfer of property on bail to the bank and …

How much does it cost to re-registrate real estate in Ukraine

Money for taxes

Re-registration of rights to real estate is always accompanied by a rather significant number and amount of mandatory payments. Anyone who has decided to sell, donate real estate or plans to inherit the property is interested in what costs in this regard he will bear. Taxes and charges depend on several factors.